The chapters of the Qur'an of Al-Layl and Ad-Duha which are back to back and refer to the night and the day, have an interesting and profound connection. The former describes that self-less charity only for the pleasure of Allah will ultimately bring pleasure to the one who gives it in the next life. "But only seeking the countenance of his Lord, Most High. And he is going to be satisfied." (92:20-21) The latter describes that in this life if we simply have hope and trust in Allah, He SWT will also make us satisfied: "Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor has He detested [you]. And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life]. And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied." (93:3-5) And symbolically one can see the night to represent darkness and thus death towards the hereafter while the day represents this life. Thus Surah Al-Layl tells us to think about the hereafter and do those acts which will please Allah so He will please us in the hereafter. While Surah Ad-Duha reminds us to always remember the great favors he has given us in this life and to never despair or worry that he has forsaken us as he will always give more if we maintain our hope and trust and faith.
The duality of mankind and the concepts we are bound by from life and death, the day and the night, the world and the hereafter, the righteous and the evil doers, the darkness of ignorance verse the light of faith, the grateful verse the ungrateful, they are all represented by these 2 beautiful chapters which complement, interrelate and weave many concepts together in a great number of perspectives. Allah has created us with endless dualities where everything has an opposite with one vital exception. Allah SWT cannot be compared to anything as Allah Himself notes in Surah Al-Ikhlas yet everything else can be compared and thus opposed in some way, shape or form even if only theoretically or conceptually. And this lack of opposite reminds us just how weak the devil is as the opposite of the devil would be a very upright and pious believer, or a true friend of Allah SWT.
Reflection on Quranic verses and chapters with an open heart will always reveal amazing and fascinating gems. And it is of the miracles of the Qur'an and the reason that Allah SWT asks us to reflect. The short and easy to learn and reflect upon chapters at the end of the Qur'an are so miraculous that it is a wonder we overlook how rich they are with meanings and how well they tie together into a melodious harmony of spiritual wisdom. Subhan Allah wabihamdih.
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