Saturday, January 23, 2016

Which Kind of Muslim Are You?

Everyone says they are Muslim.  They practice Islam.  They know who Allah swt, our creator is.  But are they really Muslim?  Here are some common stereotypes that may remind us of those we have seen or know.

The "Friday Muslim" - only prays Friday prayers at the mosque.

The "Ramadan Muslim" - only fasts for Ramadan.

The "Eid Muslim" - only prays the Eid prayer and celebrates with feasting.

The "Umrah or Hajj Muslimah" - the one who steps on the airplane in Jeddah and immediately removes her hijab while standing in the aisle.

The "That is a Bid`ah Muslim" - labels almost everything to be bid`ah, often taking the cultural Sunnah to be an absolute cultural standard.

The "I'm not a terrorist Muslim" - apologizes profusely for all the media labeling against Muslims despite knowing that Muslims are not terrorists.

The "Da`wah Muslim" - thinks that being in the path of Allah (fee sabeelillah) is sleeping in mosques and traveling around to talk to people about Islam without doing anything else.

The "loves to protest Muslim" - when the call to prayer sounds, is too busy protesting against the West to consider the prayer worthwhile responding to.

The "no pig meat Muslim" - Gets extremely angry after ordering an alcoholic drink that the waiter at the restaurant offers him a meal with pig meat.

The "pray to get a smoke break Muslim" - Sets some prayers only so right after, he can light up a cigarette and take a break from work, doing something bad for health.

The "Islam is for my race only Muslim" - Thinks that Islam was delivered to a specific race which they happen to belong to and that others are devils or not entitled.

The "Facebook shaykh Muslim" - Acts extremely knowledgeable on Facebook and is an expert at copying and pasting from other websites with extremely lengthy explanations to argue and refute with any who have even slight disagreements.

The "fatwa shopper Muslim" - goes looking for any ruling from the most deviant sects or absurd scholars to support whatever they already desired to do.

The "ask shaykh Google Muslim" - who only relies on Google for authentic Islamic knowledge.

The "fasting to get high Muslim" - Smokes drugs to break the fast because when really drugged out at one point, was able to come up with an absurd interpretation of some verse of the Quran.

The "only reverts give me any hope Muslim" - Have lost hope and given up on their own Ummah and seek out new converts to talk to or hang out with and listen to stories from, having an obsession for converts.

The "I will give you a discount because you are Muslim" - A seller who will still overcharge you and cheat you using the fact that you are a brother in Islam only to twist one's arm.

The "dhikr bead Muslim" - Always carries around dhikr beads as a symbol of their piety and seems to constantly be engaged in dhikr with them at times not appropriate.

The "takfiri Muslim" - Labels everyone else as a disbeliever or out of Islam every time they see something outside their narrow strict interpretation.

The "fitnah book Muslim" - Whose Facebook page resembles a filthy club with music full of immoral topics and foul language, pictures of people dressed scantily among other things.

The "kill or hurt the infidel Muslim" - Considers all non-Muslims not worthy of time or energy or being helped and instead just people who need to be enslaved or murdered.

The "in shaa Allah Muslim" - Say in shaa Allah as their tag line so excessively that it could be 2 or 3 times in just one sentence.

The "menacing Muslim" - Those who may pray next to you and are those who are consistent in their seeming carelessness doing things that are extremely distracting like touching themselves constantly, chewing gum, burping, coughing, sniffling, clearing throat, yawning, kicking your feet, using excessively wide stances or changing position to crowd you, among other annoyances during prayer.

The "pecks like a little chicken Muslim" - The one who prays at light speed finishing a 2 unit prayer before you could even read Al-Fatihah and is known by the prostration which looks like "pecking like a little chicken".

A Muslim - keeps all duties and observes all prohibitions.  Let us all aim to be Muslims not finding excuses or ways to shortcut that which has no shortcuts.  The worship of Allah swtis not something to take lightly and earning Allah's love is the most precious love you can ever get.  There is no such thing as a "part-time Muslim" or a "half of the time Muslim".  There is only: to submit to Allah swt or not to submit to Allah swt.  And if you have not submitted properly and you know it, then certainly ask Allah swt for forgiveness and repent by changing your behavior.  Certainly Allah swt can forgive you if you seek His forgiveness and make yourself worthy.

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